SCE Training

Our Address
FZC RAK Free Trade Zone ,
PO Box : 40046 ,
RAK Ras Al Khaimah – UAE.
Tel : +971 720 76161,
Mobile : +971 50 772 0031,
+971 50 582 1953
SCE offers customized trainings for designers and end users to impart knowledge in the process safety and engineering practices to enable them effectively design, operate and manage the facilities. We offer following training courses to cover various needs of personnel practicing functional safety management.
Training Course Title | Days |
Layers of Protection Analysis | 1 |
Safety Life Cycle Management | 3 |
Process Safety & SIS Design | 2 |
Reliability Studies | 1 |
Alarm Rationalization | 2 |
Our LOPA Training is intended for process automation design engineers, end users and other personnel who are participants of Layers of Protection analysis. In addition to the LOPA concepts based on International standards, our course includes discussions and practice sessions on a large number of actual process scenarios, which improves the level of awareness and expertise of participants.
Download PDFSafety Instrumented System (Life cycle) training includes details study course on SIS Safety life cycle management and covers information on international standards, principles of risk management, various aspects of safety instrumented system processes and procedures covering risk assessment, safety instrumented system design, SIS Verification, Validation, Operation, Maintenance and decommissioning of SIS. The training course is intended for Process automation designers and end users and other risk management professionals.
Download PDFThis training course is intended for plant operation and maintenance professional. Includes fundamentals of risk management with a focus on and Safety Instrumented System Life Cycle management in the Operation and Maintenance phase.
Download PDFTraining Title | Days |
Fundamentals of Measurement and Instrumentation | 2 |
Fundamentals of Process Control | 2 |
Tuning of Control Loops – What to watch? | 1 |
Process Schematics and reading P&IDs | 1 |
Flow Meters Selection and Sizing | 2 |
Control Valves Selection and Sizing | 2 |
Hazardous Area and EX-Protection | 1 |
SCADA Architecture and Specifications | 2 |
DCS Architecture and Specifications | 2 |
ESD Architecture and Specifications | 2 |
FGS Architecture and Specifications | 2 |
Machinery Vibration and Condition Monitoring | 1 |
Basics of Petroleum Fundamentals | 2 |
Pressure Safety Valves (PSVs) | 1 |
Selection of Cables and cable supports | 1 |
Sneak Circuit Analysis | 1 |
Fundamentals of Alarm Management | 1 |
PO Box : 40046 RAK, UAE
PO Box: 682020 Kochi, India
PO Box 570008, Centre for I&S, NIE, Mysuru
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