SCE Alarm Management Studies

Our Address
FZC RAK Free Trade Zone ,
PO Box : 40046 ,
RAK Ras Al Khaimah – UAE.
Tel : +971 720 76161,
Mobile : +971 50 772 0031,
+971 50 582 1953
Efficient alarm system ensures smooth plant functioning. Alarm Management is the key word in the current process automation scenario where an adequate and effective alarm system enhances plant operation, reliability, safety and availability.
The importance of alarm presentation and the need to optimize the alarms presented to the operator is given utmost consideration in the design of present alarm systems. Various plant accidents in the past years have brought evidence of how an inefficient alarm system can impact and impair plant operation and safety-particularly in an upset or emergency situation.
Our professionals are trained and experienced in Alarm Rationalization techniques in line with EEMUA 191, ISA18.2, Shell DEP and IEC guidelines and have successfully implemented rationalization methods for a number of projects and have helped our client companies achieve satisfactory reduction in number of alarms and optimization of alarm priorities helping them achieve KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for their Alarm systems.
PO Box : 40046 RAK, UAE
PO Box: 682020 Kochi, India
PO Box 570008, Centre for I&S, NIE, Mysuru
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